8 research outputs found

    Correlation and team work in the class ā€“ the holistic approach to learning and teaching

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    U radu se teorijski i empirijski analizira kod naÅ”ih znanstvenika neopravdano zapostavljena,a istovremeno izuzetno aktualna, problematika korelacije i timske nastave kao osnovnihpretpostavki dosezanja holizma u učenju i poučavanju. Kroz naglaÅ”en holistički pristup uklopljenu suvremeno konstruktivističko poimanje nastavnog procesa, analiziraju se značaj, vrste,doprinosi te zahtjevi i osnovne pretpostavke kvalitetnog provođenja korelacije i timskog radau nastavi. Empirijska analiza miÅ”ljenja osnovnoÅ”kolskih i srednjoÅ”kolskih nastavnika (skupinaispitanika iz 10 urbanih i ruralnih Å”kola Zadarske županije: 5 OÅ  + 5 SÅ ; N = 106) obuhvaćautvrđivanje pojavnih oblika korelacije u nastavnoj praksi te određivanje njihovih čestina,procjenjivanje adekvatnosti i dostatnosti nastavničkih kompetencija za izvođenje korelacijaizgrađenih kroz različite kontekste obrazovanja/učenja (formalni, neformalni, informalni)te analiziranje doprinosa korelacija kvaliteti nastave, kao i sugestija nastavnika o mogućimnačinima unapređenja njihova provođenja. Također se utvrđuju čestine izvođenja timske nastave,inicijatori njenog osmiÅ”ljavanja i realizacije, praktični doprinosi takve vrste rada te nastavničkesugestije o njenom mogućem unapređenju. Temeljem pokazatelja osnovne deskriptivne statistikepodatci su poredbeno analizirani te dodatno komentirani, a kvalitativnom analizom podatakanastavničkih miÅ”ljenja o doprinosima i mogućim načinima unapređenja izvođenja korelacija itimske nastave dobivena je zaokružena slika ispitivane problematike. Time ovaj rad predstavljateorijski i empirijski doprinos istraživanju holističkog pristupa nastavnom procesu krozprovođenje korelacija i timske nastave. Iako su nastavnici svjesni njihovih viÅ”estrukih pozitivnihdoprinosa kvaliteti nastave, rezultati su pokazali nedovoljnu zastupljenost takvih načina rada unastavnoj praksi, kao i moguće uzroke takvog stanja: nedostatna i neadekvatna osposobljenostnastavnika, nepoticajna okolina, nedovoljna suradnja između nastavnika, neadekvatnostpostojećih nastavnih planova i programa te Å”kolskih kurikuluma, kao i Å”kolske arhitekture irasporeda sati. Upravo bi uvažavanje nastavničkih sugestija moglo doprinijeti prevladavanjupostojećih zapreka i unapređenju izvođenja korelacija i timske nastave kao posebno vrijednihnačina i putova integrativnog, holističkog učenja i poučavanjaThis paper provides the theoretical and empirical analysis of unjustifiably neglected topic byour researchers, but at the same time exceptionally current problem of correlation and teamwork in the class as elementary prepositions for reaching holism in learning and teaching.Through emphasizing holistic approach intersected with contemporary constructivist notion ofteaching process, this paper analyses importance, types, contributions, and requirements andbasic presumptions for quality conducting correlation and team work in the class. Empiricalanalysis of elementary and secondary school teachersā€™ opinions (group of examinees from 10urban and rural schools in County of Zadar: 5 elementary + 5 secondary schools; N = 106)includes establishing manifesting forms of correlations in the teaching practice and determiningits frequency, establishing adequacy and sufficiency of teaching competences for deductingcorrelations constructed within different educational/learning contexts (formal, non-formal,informal) along with the analysing correlationsā€™ contribution to the quality of teaching, as wellas teachersā€™ suggestions about possible ways of improving its implementation. Furthermore, thispaper defines the frequency of carrying out team work in the class, the initiators of its planningand realization, practical contributions of that kind of work and teachersā€™ suggestions aboutits possible improvement. Based on the indicators of the basic descriptive statistics, the data iscomparatively analysed and additionally commented, and with the qualitative analysis of thedata from teachersā€™ opinions about the contribution and possible ways of improving constructingcorrelations and team work, the rounded picture of examined problematic is procured. Thereby,this paper represents theoretical and empirical contribution to the research of holistic approachto teaching process through constructing correlations and team work in the class. Even thoughteachers are aware of their multiple positive contributions to the teaching quality, the resultshave shown insufficient representation of those kinds of work in the teaching practice, as well aspossible causes of that state: insufficient and inadequate teachersā€™ qualifications, non-stimulatingenvironment, insufficient cooperation among teachers, inadequacy of current teaching lessonplans and programs and schoolsā€™ curriculums, along with the school architecture and time-tables.Acknowledging teachersā€™ suggestions could contribute to surpassing existing obstacles and to theimprovement of constructing correlation and team work in the class as means of special valueand roads to integrative, holistic learning and teaching.</p

    Correlation and team work in the class ā€“ the holistic approach to learning and teaching

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    U radu se teorijski i empirijski analizira kod naÅ”ih znanstvenika neopravdano zapostavljena,a istovremeno izuzetno aktualna, problematika korelacije i timske nastave kao osnovnihpretpostavki dosezanja holizma u učenju i poučavanju. Kroz naglaÅ”en holistički pristup uklopljenu suvremeno konstruktivističko poimanje nastavnog procesa, analiziraju se značaj, vrste,doprinosi te zahtjevi i osnovne pretpostavke kvalitetnog provođenja korelacije i timskog radau nastavi. Empirijska analiza miÅ”ljenja osnovnoÅ”kolskih i srednjoÅ”kolskih nastavnika (skupinaispitanika iz 10 urbanih i ruralnih Å”kola Zadarske županije: 5 OÅ  + 5 SÅ ; N = 106) obuhvaćautvrđivanje pojavnih oblika korelacije u nastavnoj praksi te određivanje njihovih čestina,procjenjivanje adekvatnosti i dostatnosti nastavničkih kompetencija za izvođenje korelacijaizgrađenih kroz različite kontekste obrazovanja/učenja (formalni, neformalni, informalni)te analiziranje doprinosa korelacija kvaliteti nastave, kao i sugestija nastavnika o mogućimnačinima unapređenja njihova provođenja. Također se utvrđuju čestine izvođenja timske nastave,inicijatori njenog osmiÅ”ljavanja i realizacije, praktični doprinosi takve vrste rada te nastavničkesugestije o njenom mogućem unapređenju. Temeljem pokazatelja osnovne deskriptivne statistikepodatci su poredbeno analizirani te dodatno komentirani, a kvalitativnom analizom podatakanastavničkih miÅ”ljenja o doprinosima i mogućim načinima unapređenja izvođenja korelacija itimske nastave dobivena je zaokružena slika ispitivane problematike. Time ovaj rad predstavljateorijski i empirijski doprinos istraživanju holističkog pristupa nastavnom procesu krozprovođenje korelacija i timske nastave. Iako su nastavnici svjesni njihovih viÅ”estrukih pozitivnihdoprinosa kvaliteti nastave, rezultati su pokazali nedovoljnu zastupljenost takvih načina rada unastavnoj praksi, kao i moguće uzroke takvog stanja: nedostatna i neadekvatna osposobljenostnastavnika, nepoticajna okolina, nedovoljna suradnja između nastavnika, neadekvatnostpostojećih nastavnih planova i programa te Å”kolskih kurikuluma, kao i Å”kolske arhitekture irasporeda sati. Upravo bi uvažavanje nastavničkih sugestija moglo doprinijeti prevladavanjupostojećih zapreka i unapređenju izvođenja korelacija i timske nastave kao posebno vrijednihnačina i putova integrativnog, holističkog učenja i poučavanjaThis paper provides the theoretical and empirical analysis of unjustifiably neglected topic byour researchers, but at the same time exceptionally current problem of correlation and teamwork in the class as elementary prepositions for reaching holism in learning and teaching.Through emphasizing holistic approach intersected with contemporary constructivist notion ofteaching process, this paper analyses importance, types, contributions, and requirements andbasic presumptions for quality conducting correlation and team work in the class. Empiricalanalysis of elementary and secondary school teachersā€™ opinions (group of examinees from 10urban and rural schools in County of Zadar: 5 elementary + 5 secondary schools; N = 106)includes establishing manifesting forms of correlations in the teaching practice and determiningits frequency, establishing adequacy and sufficiency of teaching competences for deductingcorrelations constructed within different educational/learning contexts (formal, non-formal,informal) along with the analysing correlationsā€™ contribution to the quality of teaching, as wellas teachersā€™ suggestions about possible ways of improving its implementation. Furthermore, thispaper defines the frequency of carrying out team work in the class, the initiators of its planningand realization, practical contributions of that kind of work and teachersā€™ suggestions aboutits possible improvement. Based on the indicators of the basic descriptive statistics, the data iscomparatively analysed and additionally commented, and with the qualitative analysis of thedata from teachersā€™ opinions about the contribution and possible ways of improving constructingcorrelations and team work, the rounded picture of examined problematic is procured. Thereby,this paper represents theoretical and empirical contribution to the research of holistic approachto teaching process through constructing correlations and team work in the class. Even thoughteachers are aware of their multiple positive contributions to the teaching quality, the resultshave shown insufficient representation of those kinds of work in the teaching practice, as well aspossible causes of that state: insufficient and inadequate teachersā€™ qualifications, non-stimulatingenvironment, insufficient cooperation among teachers, inadequacy of current teaching lessonplans and programs and schoolsā€™ curriculums, along with the school architecture and time-tables.Acknowledging teachersā€™ suggestions could contribute to surpassing existing obstacles and to theimprovement of constructing correlation and team work in the class as means of special valueand roads to integrative, holistic learning and teaching.</p

    Point-of-Need DNA Testing for Detection of Foodborne Pathogenic Bacteria

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    Foodborne pathogenic bacteria present a crucial food safety issue. Conventional diagnostic methods are time-consuming and can be only performed on previously produced food. The advancing field of point-of-need diagnostic devices integrating molecular methods, biosensors, microfluidics, and nanomaterials offers new avenues for swift, low-cost detection of pathogens with high sensitivity and specificity. These analyses and screening of food items can be performed during all phases of production. This review presents major developments achieved in recent years in point-of-need diagnostics in land-based sector and sheds light on current challenges in achieving wider acceptance of portable devices in the food industry. Particular emphasis is placed on methods for testing nucleic acids, protocols for portable nucleic acid extraction and amplification, as well as on the means for low-cost detection and read-out signal amplification

    Luminescent Metal-Organic Frameworks for Electrochemiluminescent Detection of Water Pollutants

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    Modern lifestyle has increased our utilization of pollutants such as heavy metals, aromatic 17 compounds, and contaminants of rising concern involving pharmaceutical and personal products 18 and other materials that may have an important environmental impact. Especially, the ultimate re-19 sults of intense use of highly stable materials, such as heavy metals and chemical restudies are that 20 they turn into waste materials which, when discharged, accumulate in the environment water bod-21 ies. In this context, the present review presents application of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) in 22 electrochemiluminescent (ECL) sensing for water pollutant detection. MOF composites applied as 23 innovative luminophore or luminophore carriers, materials for electrode modification and enhance-24 ment of co-reaction in ECL sensors have enabled sensitive monitoring of some most common con-25 taminants of emerging concern such as heavy metals, volatile organic compounds, pharmaceuticals, 26 industrial chemicals and cyanotoxins. Moreover, we provide future trends and prospects associated 27 with ECL MOF-composites for environmental sensing

    Drawing as a beginning: Case report

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    Treatment of patients with affective disorders during hospitalisation at the Institute of Mental Health includes pharmacotherapy, individual supportive therapy, group and expressive therapies including art therapy. Art therapy takes a place weekly, it lasts one hour during which patients paint for twenty minutes and then discuss their paintings in the group for the next forty minutes. In this paper the case of a patient who has been treated as recurrent depressive disorder (F33) and mixed personality disorder (F61) is presented. During previous years of treatment the patient had no inability to verbalise his symptoms and feelings, which led to difficult understanding of his actual psychopathology. After applied integrative treatment, pharmaco ā€“ and psychotherapy including expressive ā€“ art therapy, with the help of the supportive group, the patient for the first time since the beginning of the treatment spoke about his thoughts and feelings of hopelessness, sorrow, alienation and loneliness. All of the applied psychometric scales have shown improvement, for depression ā€“ MADRS, for anxiety ā€“ VAS and for functionality ā€“ SDS. This clinical example shows how the art therapy and interreaction with the group, which was supportive and highly associative, can turn the non-verbal into verbal and non-communication into communication

    Direct glyphosate soil monitoring at the triazine-based covalent organic framework with the theoretical study of sensing principle

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    Covalent organic frameworks (COFs) are emerging as promising sensing materials due to their controllable structure and function properties, as well as excellent physicochemical characteristics. Here, specific interactions between a triazine-based COF and a mass-used herbicide ā€“ glyphosate (GLY) have been utilized to design a disposable sensing platform for GLY detection. This herbicide has been extensively used for decades, however, its harmful environmental impact and toxicity to humans have been recently proven, conditioning the necessity for the strict control and monitoring of its use and its presence in soil, water, and food. Glyphosate is an organophosphorus compound, and its detection in complex matrices usually requires laborious pretreatment. Here, we developed a direct, miniaturized, robust, and green approach for disposable electrochemical sensing of glyphosate, utilizing COFā€™s ability to selectively capture and concentrate negatively charged glyphosate molecules inside its nanopores. This process generates the concentration gradient of GLY, accelerating its diffusion towards the electrode surface. Simultaneously, specific COF-glyphosate binding catalyses the oxidative cleavage of the Cā€“P bond and, together with pore nanoconfinement, enables sensitive glyphosate detection. Detailed sensing principles and selectiveness were scrutinized using DFT-based modelling. The proposed electrochemical method has a linear working range from 0.1 Ī¼M to 10 Ī¼M, a low limit of detection of 96 nM, and a limit of quantification of 320 nM. The elaborated sensing approach is viable for use in real sample matrices and tested for GLY determination in soil and water samples, without pretreatment, preparation, or purification. The results showed the practical usefulness of the sensor in the real sample analysis and suggested its suitability for possible out-oflaboratory sensing

    Electrochemical biosensor based on NAD(P)H-dependent quinone reductase for rapid and efficient detection of vitamin K3

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    Vitamin K refers to a group of vitamins that play an important role in blood coagulation and regulation of bone and vascular metabolism. However, vitamin K3 may give severe side effects in animal and humans when improperly added to food and feed due to its toxicity. Here, an electrochemical biosensor, based on the YaiB NADPH-dependent quinone reductase from Lactococcus lactis (YaiB), was developed to achieve rapid and redox probe-free detection of vitamin K3. First, the ability of the carbon electrode to distinguish between 1,4-benzoquinone and hydroquinone was demonstrated. Then, we engineered YaiB to work as a bioreceptor immobilized at the electrode and its sensitivity and specificity to reduce vitamin K3 were demonstrated. Finally, to demonstrate the practical potential of the biosensor, we tested it directly in spiked milk samples, achieving 15-minute quantification of the vitamin K3. The limit of detection was 0.87 ĀµM and 4.1 ĀµM in buffer and milk, respectively

    Antioxidant and cell-friendly Fe2TiO5 nanoparticles for food packaging application

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    An emerging technology of active packaging enables prolongation of food shelf life by limiting the oxygen transfer and the reactivity of free radicals, which both destruct food freshness. In this work, Fe2TiO5 nanoparticles were synthesized using a modified solā€“gel method and evaluated as an enforcement of alginate food packaging film. Pure phase Fe2TiO5 nanoparticles had an average particle size of 44 nm and rhombohedral morphology. Fe2TiO5 nanoparticles induce no cell damage of human Caco-2 epithelial cells and show no inhibitory effect towards growth of a panel of bacterial strains, suggesting good biocompatibility. Films obtained by incorporation of Fe2TiO5 nanoparticles into alginate using the solvent casting method show no migration of iron or titanium ions from films to food simulants again suggesting their safety as a packaging material. Fe2TiO5 nanoparticles also showed strong antioxidant efficiency as determined using the DPPįø¢ assay, and confirmed further in a preservation test on fresh fruit